Lotus Notes
Lotus Notes
So finally we have migrated over to Lotus Notes, Well say Migrated it’s in the process of doing this, trouble is i have 10,000 emails, agreed that’s a lot but might i add 9500 were from Ian H.
Early on in the week, i received an email saying they would be across to do the Upgrade, sure enough, “EGOR” is let of his cupboard today and he comes and haunts me big time, clearly, he has more issues than any man i have ever met.
Therefore, he then tells me its going to take 3 days to migrate the system across and that the remote email is not going to work again, and that it will not synchronize with my Ipaq, so clearly it’s a good move then
Im told it has great Database infrastructure, not a lot of good unless you can use the bloody system, i think i might need to purchase a Sun Spark Station to deal with the 500+ MB of emails i have, and mind you, the Bloody vector would still run slow even if we ran it with a Sun Spark. When I go back in on Monday, we will see if Notes has shafted my System, I will keep up updated.