Ipods Suck
Ok i give in what is This infatuation with Bloody Ipods, Have I missed the point here of something, but they suck, they have to use Itunes [Which really does suck more than an industrial Vacuum cleaner], and its ability to shaft Xp outstands me. It does look good, but show me it in 12 months time when it’s scratched to hell. The battery Life sucks royally and you have to wear those stupid white earphones, So let me summarise, IT SUCKS, However there is a solution for those of you who can actually think for your selves, there are some great options out there, I use an Iriver iHP140, 40 gig driver, radio, Remote control and its drag and drop and will play all manner of file types, Also check out the Arcos and well and the Creative Zen models. ECHO11
peace & harmony,
'freedom must be exercised to stay in shape!'
Have a good life