I Wish I Could Fly
I’m lucky enough to have travelled the world far and wide, I love flying. Well Wednesday i got to go to Norwich, a great city actually went there in 1999,
Anyway i ride up to the Airport and get my ticket from Flybe, and just going back to flying i’ve been lucky enough to fly on the best Concorde, 767’s, Jumbo’s the lot. I was expecting a nice Lear jet or the likes, oh no. this one had propellers, I swear you could see where they had painted over the RAF Roundels and painted “Flybe”
I should have known it was going to be a nightmare when you have to walk to your plane, on my trip down to “NIA” “Norwich International Airport”, there were nine people on the plane, and four of them were the crew. Anyway im sat there waiting for chocks away, I look out of the window and see this big prop and think if that comes off it will cut my legs off, What i should have thought was if that comes off then we are going to plummet into the ground. Have to say the flight was fast although im sure I heard the pilot say “ANGELS AT 1 O’CLOCK”, Watch your tail Charlie”.
Coming back was even better, Norwich International Airport is undergoing an upgrade, personally, i would have just brought a bigger shed, anyway i get to “NIA” and walk through to departures, when i say Departures it was some chairs and a TV screen. Im not joking and as for Air Conditioning, well try a door open and fan blowing warm air in.
Overall though it was fun, but give me Concorde any time.
