45 RPM
Last Sunday i slep across to North Yorkshire to see my Folks an take all my clan with me, Now my Mum and Dad live in a very nice house, which they are both very proud of and i spent a fair few years there myself, however they are certainly not lacking space, During the numerous cups of tea and food my Mother was force feeding my kids, she mentioned that all my old Records from when i had my “Mobile Disco” were still under the stairs, now there had been there since 1984 when i headed for the bright lights of London and never really made it back, Anyway so there they have sat for just over 22 Years. Anyhow my mum says why don’t you take your records with you, Like i have the space, anyway i thought id got away with it until last night, Dana had gone across to North Yorkshire to pick up our daughter who had been staying with Grandma last week. Im sat at home when Dana says i’ve got some of your records in the car. We dig out these records and talk about bring back memories all of them 45’s not that many of you will be able to remember them, Picture sleeves, Colour Vinyl, I made a very good living out of doing Discos on an evening so these were my tools of my trade all the other equipment decks, lights, PA System and the likes i sold but not my records, well i estimate i’ve got around 5000 45’s well i have 5 flight cases and each case held 1000.
As mentioned some of these are Picture sleeves and Picture Vinyl and well as coloured Vinyl, I know for sure i have some collectors’ items, the police on Picture Disc in the shape of a New York Police Badge, Squeeze Purple Vinyl to name a few, however i will admit that she also brought across 3 cases of Disco Jingle Tapes, Well lets just say i very much doubt that age has improved them and they sucked then, god they were tacky, but it was the early 80’s when Disco was big, and thats all im saying on the tape subject apart from they will be heading for the tip this weekend.
The above is only a very small section of the Picture Discs, Picture Sleeves and Coloured Vinyl that i have. Way back when i did my Disco it was more common to get Picture Disc's and Colour Vinyl than normal black Singles. before that it was all plain record sleeves than came picture sleeves.
