Jehovah Witness/ Enjoyable Trek
There i was enjoying my Sunday off with the Wife and kids, chilling watching MTV, when there’s a knock on the Door, My daughter goes and comes back saying there’s a man there, up i jump, and before i’ve even opened the door fully i can see what he is, A bloody Jehovah Witness
That’s my cue to do battle with him, i open the door and he starts off about Development of the Human body, a swift retort is bounced back with the words, “How can you develop if you don’t believe in giving blood”, The body needs blood. Now im pissed off that he has disturbed my Sunday with the family, i then have to argue the point with him, I give blood, if memory recalls im up to around the 70 Pint mark now, i also carry a Donor card, if it was not for Blood transfusion someone very close to me would not be here.
He then starts to tell me that doctors do not give blood or receive blood, a very rapid “BOLLOCKS” is retorted and i say, “Look i don’t agree with your views”, and “you’re spoiling my day off” so please let’s just leave it at that. Would he go, would he hell, in the end i bid him goodbye and closed the door on him.
Saturday was one of my work colleges birthday and his Girlfriend had arranged a day out for him Quad Trekking, i have to say i’ve not had so much fun in ages, The place was fun just trying to find, and all of us missed the entrance to the location, so we went through the normal safety briefings, and donned on the nice very fetching camouflaged overalls, and off we went, Unfortunately my steed did not like going to the left, so a quick swap and away we went, after a quick blast around the fields we split into two groups i got lumbered with the odd couple, great fun though after about 30 mins we started off into the woods, oh great fun out of the woods we hack across the fields there is this big dip as you fly down it you need to give in full throttle to get up the other end, the odd couple managed to hit each other as me and the guide come over the brow of the dip, We rip through a field and i swear i nearly hit a cow. And then it was back to the lodge for a well deserved cool drink, Super kudos for arranging that. However for once i was not attached to me 2 Mobile phones, they were in my bike jacket and this was in the back of my bike, as i showed Funkymonkeyman what blessed acceleration was, i forgot about them, got home to find i had 5 missed calls and two voice mails from work. However when i called i pleased to say Cinemec had fixed the solution so Kudos to you sir for dealing with it.
