Im the proudest man alive, I got to see my eldest son receive his award for all his hard work he has done at school, I'm so proud of him.
He is growing into a strapping young man who has the world at his feet, I can not say how it feels to see your own flesh and blood stand there tall and proud, Im more proud that he is willing not to follow all the other lemmings on how they dress and act at school, Some people want to blend in. Others want to stand out. Some sit back. Others choose to stand up and be counted, but to be individual who has integrity and Witt, lets be honest no one gets anywhere following the herd, but to stand out and prepared to be counted goes so much further and makes you a stronger and a much better person. He was the first up on the stage to receive his award; I have removed his name from the award as im very protective of my family.
However i did plan to Video the event to keep as reminder, but now it appears we can no longer take Photo’s or Video of our own children just incase it gets into the wrong hands!!, Well im not sure there is a market for pictures of people in there uniform getting an award whilst having there hand shaken my the mayor of the town, but maybe im wrong.
Never the less it was shame not to have a photo or video of it, but im still the proudest dad today for sure.
