Media Player 2, The Return Of The Media Box
Well the first Media Player has gone back, Last night we loaded the music onto the Media Player, well after an eon waiting the dam thing would not work, so this morning it went back to the Shop. I felt sorry for the “Duty Manager”, as it he clearly thought he was going to have a good day, well that’s until we turned up.
After telling him that his unit was basically not worth the cardboard box in came in, he at first said you would have to wait until the Manager came in tomorrow, Well that’s until i decided id had enough of his bullshit, so after telling him that he’s unit sucked and that it would not work, he then said that the security seal was broken and that we could not bring it back, and promptly rubbed off the seal with his finger, well that was my cue to let rip. Finally after much verbal beating, he plugged it in the fans started to howl like a jet engine, and he admitted that it was faulty; Clearly he then thought that he could try and back down after accusing us of damaging the unit, let’s just say he lost that battle. So not only did we walk out with our money i also managed to ruin his day well i hope i did.
To be honest the original plan was to buy one From Maplins, A quick call to Maplins in Manchester secured one and we popped along to get it, Oh so much better, only a 160Gb hard drive this time, Connection is good, Computer interface is Either via USB 2, or on the dual interface version Firewire, Interface with the TV, is via Scart, Composite, or Component, Coaxial out for the sound is also available.
This one is quite as well the other one gave the Dyson Hoover a good run in the decibel levels, It’s got the same interface although there are more options to play with in the menus,
