Bingo Aggo, Pecha Kucha, & More

Bingo Aggo, Well way back when i did Engineering, Cinemas were being closed down and reopened as Bingo halls, some quite splendid ones as well, Well we have now gone full circle and we are about to start running Bingo in Cinemas, I kid you not, the last 3 days all i’ve seemed to do is either answer questions on Bingo, try and get my head around why we are doing the Bingo Project and find out about Bingo and as i sit here now, don’t really care about Bingo, but its coming, Run by “Timeplay” Installation 20th, 21st November, Focus Groups and Operations meeting week after and we will be running live for January 17th 2007, Like i don’t have enough technical things to worry about. Its all very hi-tech, Windows Servers, Cisco Routers and Wireless Loops, high end security, but i bet you it will still go blue screen. The concept well if you can call it a concept is this, your having a hen night, so what do you do, Do you go and get so drunk you wake up with someone from Blackburn, or do you go a play Bingo, Its interactive, they have Vic Reeves doing the links on this occasion., that’s not all i’ve got High Definition Opera coming on line “Opera for the Masses”. Here’s a thought why not have HD Bingo, so you pop along in your dinner suit with the wife / partner get your seat and as the opera is blasting out, you can play Bingo, we can do PIP “Picture In Picture” now, so 3/4s of the screen showing La Traviata whilst in the other ¼ corner you can have Bingo running. Call it “BINGOPERA”; you know it’s the way forward. We did a conference for a company called D&AD this week, very good, could not move in our area for cables and equipment, The Theme was Pecha Kucha, which as you will all already know is a series of short sharp presentations, The format is simple, each speaker must have 20 imagines that we projected onto our big screen for a total of 20 seconds each, then they have 6 minutes and 40 seconds to talk about there topic, Having done so many conferences from having a Ferrari F1 Car in the auditorium to watching a nuclear Scientist try and use a mouse whilst demonstrating his nuclear kettle and lets not forget the Lesbian Vivisectionists, who spent most of the night scowling at me and my colleague, well they had to look at someone as no one turned up for there rant on being a male. A work colleague lost his father to Cancer last week, We have had many long conversations about this terrible disease, i was sadden to here about his father, but im very concerned that this massive company who we choose to work for could not even bother to send a card or flowers how sad is that. Its not uncommon for us to play practical jokes on each other, the latest one has been setting the alarm on Funkymonkeymans phone, But not once, twice, trice, oh no 5 times now he has fell for it, and to make matters worse we often set the recurrent alarms as well, made me chuckle, the list is endless of the jokes, stitch-ups and wind-ups we have played on each other over the past 6 years, im going to do a list of some of them before Christmas, don’t want to publish too many as i plan to write a book about working as a Projectionist in years to come Have fun Echo 11


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