My Mobile Phone History
Whilst chatting to one of my Work colleagues yesterday we got onto the subject of mobile phones, so read below
My first was a NEC 9A, a monster of a phone, if i recall correctly it had a memory of about 3 numbers, properly a couple of ring sounds [Tones were not around then] and a battery life that sucked, and it weighted way to much,
Next was a Panasonic EB3610, This had many more features than the NEC, but then again anything had more features than the NEC
Next was the Trusted Ericssson 688, this phone went through all manner of accidents and still worked well, even had quite a good signal as well, unfortunately it met its demise at the bottom of a swimming pool during a wedding, along with myself, the Best man plus two other Managers who i worked with.
The Nokia 5110, was next not out of choice, it was the only phone in our lost property box at work, and since my Ericsson had proved not to be waterproof i was stuck with this, it lasted all of about 3 weeks
Motorola Timeport Series was next, Starting off with the P7389 was next mainly as i needed it to be Tri Band, as i was going to be away in the states, This worked well and after about 6 months upgraded to the Timeport 250, this was very good but meet its demises whilst trying to text and ride a motorbike at the same time, Unfortunatly the combination of falling onto the road at around 60 Mph, plus the lorry that ran over it left it not really working, A replacement was sent, which fell into the Bath one night, and again not being Waterproof gave up the will to live. As a stop gap the trusty Nokia 6130 was opted for as it was free to upgrade until the the Timeport 260 came along, a really good phone, so good infact someone stole it, i was on the phone to Toronto at the time, put it down to write a note about an issue we had at work, went to pick it up but it had vanished never saw it again, As a stop gag i used the Sony CMD 5Z.

I then had a complete change of mind at started on the Sony range
The Sony Ericsson 610 was first, followed by the T630, which was a very good phone, next came a P900, which served well, and was like a mobile office all rolled into one,After a while got bored with that so a K750 was the next choice, still got that one

Actually still use the K750, Also this year i also got the Orange SPV C600 Smart Phone, very good and enables me to run my GPS on it.

And finally although its on here i dont actually have the phone yet, but im about 99% sure im going to opt for the Sony Ericsson 990i, So there you have it a brief history of my all my mobile phones.
