20 years ago the Home VHS war was raging between Sony and Toshiba for who would win the home market for Video Players, As we all know VHS won, but those like myself who work with Broadcast Equipment know that the Sony Beta Player is the better option. Move on 20 years to now and we now have the emerging war on what High Definition DVD player to go for HD DVD or Should you opt for the Sony BLU-RAY

HD DVD www.thelookandsoundofperfect.com/

BLU-RAY www.blu-ray.com/,

Well now LG have announced that they are releasing a Dual Format Player which give you the best of both worlds, www.hdtvuk.tv/2006/03/lg_planning_blu.html.

I for one was going to Get a HD DVD for my Xbox360, likewise my eldest son was going is getting a PS3 which has BLU-RAY Built in.

No cost yet but i would expect it to be around the £400 mark, any m ore and people will just opt for one version.

Don’t you just love Technology?


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