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Thursday was an eventful day to say the least, needed to be in at work at 05:00 which was a real delight, when we walk in to find both lifts out of action, and 2 tons / 60 odd flight cases of equipment to get up 3, 4 and 5 floors i just knew it was going to be a challenging day,
We opted to start using the escalators, and about 05:30 i went to speak to the jobs worth security “i need to use you lift”, i was told in no uncertain terms i could not, so this argument went on for about 15 mins until he said well unless The Ops Manager or the Director say so he was not going to do it, This is when i promptly call both the ops Manager and the Director on my mobile you should have seen the guys face it was a picture, anyway that was all sorted, although i guess the security guard and me will not be seeing eye to eye for a while.
I swear it looked like a Pink Floyd concert in screen No: 18 , After moving a small mountain of flight cases we started to run out of locations to store them, we then hit a real issue, the 3 Phase Power kept tripping out, now to trip out 63 Amp 3 Phase is pretty spectacle, however upon closer inspection we found out that some idiot had swapped the breaker for a 32 amp 3 phase not the best thing in the world, this was sorted and all seemed happy, My Senior took over and i managed to get away whilst it was still day light,
Friday morning was just as bad, 3 conferences screens 12, 13 and 18, even more flight cases of equipment, and kudos to my colleagues who ran that event with me as it went smoothly , the company was Tutor 2 U.
Saturday it was HD Opera for the New York Metropolitan Opera Il Trittico , broadcast via Sirius 2 Satellite to us and shown via our HD projector, So you would expect this to be busy, well ok look at this way, me 3 days non ops dealing with it, my colleague working on it, a satellite engineer, and broadcast engineer, and sound and projection engineer, approx £1500 in ,labour costs, £6000 for satellite uplink to the Azores, and then down linked to ours , a Humax decoder, fibre optic sound connection, 16:9 ratio all looking good, £25.00 per ticket and we sold 6 Yep count them 6 so that will be £150.00 we made on tickets and we managed to loose around £7350.00 so that was a worth while experience, and my god it sucked, I was bloody pleased when it was over.
And finally ive managed to procure a new toy, like i really needed a new toy but its something for me and the boys to use, A savage 21 RC monster truck, its used but its hopped up big time,
3 speed gearbox, reverse gear, hardend steel drive shafts, better shocks, springs, two sets of wheels and tyres, Big thanks to MH for his offer of a deal, so out goes my Helicopter and in comes the car, im just waiting now to get time to have a mess around with it, iv been trying to work out how i can video the Monster truck whilst im on my bike, cant you just see that going wrong.