Monday Blues

You remember in my last post i told you about the safety razor that i very nearly managed to remove my thumb with, well last light i nearly took my bottom lip off with said same brand, guess there not that safe , or im just shite at using them, moving onto this morning the news ops room printer only the options o connection was USB or RJ45, so being backwards in the IT department [Anywhere Below 2nd floor that is], anyway so the pc that needs the New printer the DM’s and TL’s who had been using it had managed to royally knacker it up, so when i try to us the CD rom drive i find its Shagged.

So me thinks not an issue, I’ll transfer it across the network, so 91 Mins later i have managed to copy all the files across to the Ops PC, off i trot down to the Ops room, i then find that the version of windows is not acceptable for this Printer, so i then opt to try the geller PC, so again no CD rom drive, so again across the network it goes, only to find again its not worth the issue, so at the moment i have two 2 Pc’s and one printer that are about as much good as a boar pig with tits

We also got to go to the MCL open day, slep across Manchester to find the Gig, very nice as well, they were showing off there new “SPIDER software that does image stitching and the lies, all very nice, but the chances of us ever getting to play with that is just not going to happen

And to add insult to injury i find that some twat has smashed the left hand front indicator lens


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