Weekly update
A week prior to this id had a CV for a guy who wanted to work with us, god knows why, anyway he was asked to pop along on Tuesday last week and have a chat with myself and my Senior, also on this day an assessment engineer was popping along to check our compressors, so around 12:00 we got a call that this guys was upstairs waiting to see us, we pop upstairs and sit down and start chatting to him, it was then that it dawned on me that we were actually interviewing the assessment engineer, this little faux pas was soon sorted out and he was passed onto one of my minions to deal with, and then the real candidate popped up.
I also managed the most amazing thing this week, i managed to very nearly slice the end of my Thumb off with a safety shaving razor, which i was pretty impressed with since at some time during my life i have managed to damage nearly ever limb from cutting to breaking, so one more scar is hardly going to make any difference.
Also ive found some new web site that you might want to look at, its called “FIXYA”
http://www.fixya.com/its not a bad site, it shows you all technical fixes to some of the most common Hardware / Software issues
And the second one is a blog of an ER Doctor in Texas, really good, Funny in places and thought provoking in others, i thought my job was tough.
Im playing one of my favorite games just now 18 Wheels of steel, a classic truck driving game, Yep you guest it its all about driving a truck across the states,
