What a Week
Then it just got more and more manic, ive been having a misfire on my bike, and on Tuesday it just got worse, so i dropped it by the bike shop for them to look at, Tuesday/ Wednesday we the regional Mangers in doing some “GUEST SERVICE” training, meanwhile on Wednesday me and FMM had the pleasure of doing the Takeda Event for the “Diabetes & Primary Care”, “Optimising The Care Of Patients with type 2 Diabetes and Cardiovascular Disease,
which i will say could possibly be one of the most boring events ive ever done, the highlight of the event was FMM falling asleep, although he will say he was resting his eyes again, then on Thursday we had the pleasure of the GMP Drug Related Death Conference,which i can tell you is not what you really want, added to this that we set up at 06:45 only for the chosen one to tell us the client was not coming in until 12:00,

It was shown that a lot of deaths are unnecessary well as any death could be necessary, but its been proven that when someone "GOES OVER" as they showed us in the film, rather than help out that person and possibly face the police, they are leaving the unconscious person dead or dying in phone boxes, fields, stair wells , basically anywhere but the place where they took the drugs, they showed a picture of a flat that had at least 18 Inch of rubbish all over the floor and as a round id guess some 2000 needles.
once that was finished i had to dash to a meeting about piggybacking on a live event where we will pick up a feed, now we are located some 400 meters away from this location, and it was asked how we could get the signal across from them to us [Sorry if i sound vague, but its all highly secretive ] anyway i was just about to say maybe a Microwave link / Sat link, when it chirped up "cant we just run a wire across the road, i swear, anyway there is sort of a good end to this, as i went back to speak to the Managing Director of the event and ended up chatting to Paddy McGuinness and his brother, which was nice,
And ive got my bike back the trouble was with one of the fuel injectors, dumping fuel into the cylinder rather than atomising it, this was causing the Left Hand Cylinder to choke,

There is a massive change in performance now, not sure what caused it, i had some issue with Water getting into the tank a while back so maybe the water has damaged the injector, never the less its bloody fast now, all fixed and firing on all cylinders literally, so i was well happy, and when i rode it away from the bike shop it really has a great performance boost to it, with i hope a better fuel economy