A week in Hell

To say the last 7 days have been a living hell would properly be an understatement, The normal shite i have to deal with at work, people wanting unreasonable requests, Security issues, a new starter, HP5 to name a few

I was off on Wednesday so had a good hack around with my RC truck, ripped up the local playing field a far bit, much the amusement of some council workers and the odd Rabbit. Returning to work on Thursday at the wee hours of the morning to run HP5 in Imax, playing safe we opted to strike the lamps 45 mins early a practise that i do not encourage as it cost money around £4.50 per hour, anyway the bloody thing would not strike, so we went through the normal diagnostic routine “Turn it on and off again”, swear at it, the normal stuff, so i was left with no other option but to call the European help desk, me and the help desk don’t have a good record, but with no other option i wont go into the semantics of it but needless to say in the end i called Canada and then America , however by that time we had go the system running, my blood pressure had hit and all time high , so with a little space to breath i then here that the digital system had developed a speech impediment, oh yes during the film there was AD [Audio Descript] running in the back ground, so after numerous phone calls Cinemec with the help of Mr Personality on the end of a phone, i call him that as he was about as interesting as watching foolball. There i was sat there thinking what else could go wrong, when i get a phone call off Dana, informing me that my 8 year old son had face planted the play ground and in the process managed to obtain some big chucks ripped out of his face and the odd tooth departed company with his mouth, so there is was with an Imax system sick, and Digital system with a speech impediment and the son looking like he had done 4 round with Mike Tyson.

Due the issue with the IMAX, we called an Etrip and along came the Antipedeon dwarf to fix it, so at 05:00 am we start, 3 hours later; we have a brand new pump installed. The reason why the pump was knackered is because we have “Hard Water” if you ask me I’ve never seen water in that light but I’m informed that the “north” water is harder than the south, and so causes Calvertation, which is the air bubbles eroding the bronze impeller so the water does not flow smoothly, which causes air bubbles which causes Calvertation do you see the trend here, as you can see from the photos there is some real damage, the new one has impeller blades that are at least 3 mm wide, id be lucky if they are over 0.5mm now.


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