What a week

then it all started to go down hill rapidly, the automation system went into spaz mode and started shows on its own at the wrong time.
And then some of my team had frontal lobotomies and forgot how to work, Saturday saw me doing a tour of the building for Sheffield uni, and then I settled down to write even more on the facilities manual I am writing for the building, all was going well until just before 20:05, I turned around to see water pissing out of the Imax projector at a rapid rate like ive never seen before, I mean this thing pumps water at 130LBS per square inch and at 4 Gallons a minute so its powerful, now imagine this being sprayed across to 2 extremely powerful cathode ends, each running around 440 Amps, remember its not the volts that kill you it’s the amps, so after a few sphincter tightening seconds we got the machine stopped and looked inside, all it was missing was some coral and the odd fish it was that bloody deep, So we did some emergency engineering and away we went, took ages to bail out the machine, and the fault was a poxy little brass 90* elbow joint which probably cost around $1.00

This Advert increased Doves sales by 700% not bad for something as mundane as Soap
Another example they used was the Cadburys Chocolate Gorilla Drumming advert to Phil Collins,
which we were informed had a two fold effect, it brought Cadburys back into the spot light, oh and gave Phil Collins some more Money as his album was climbing high again.
And finally last week I finally got around to getting a new LCD stand for my equipment, took a while to get fitted together and even longer to get all the equipment sorted out but im happy with it now.