How Early

Have to say the last week has been loooooooong, we had the pleasure of Adobe in at 05:00 to do demos of there CS3 Tuesday morning, which meant me getting up at 03:15, which I can reliably inform you that its still dark outside, actually every day this week ive come into work in the dark and gone home in the dark, Getting back to Adobe, They needed Wifi in 3 areas, this was supplied but we had some real issue with there computers, just my Luck that they were Mac’s a good 90% of them could pick up our signal yet other could not even if they were sat next to the router, the odd thing was I had no issue connecting with my PC, still there you go, if they had brought a proper computer they would not have any issues. As if one early start was bad enough I then had 3 06:00 starts on Wed, Thur, Fri which was a killer, I have to say I don’t really have a issue with getting out of bed early, but Thursday it was a struggle, even more so when I notice how cold it was outside

This gig is a twice yearly event for Blue Skies, the whole event invites schools around the area in so that the 14 – 16 year old to come and listen to some young entrepreneurs, they also had a DJ who was mixing as the event went on, as well as a vision mixer, and sound mixer and a lighting mixing, as setups go it was not bad, they had a fog machine and laser show, iv been doing this gig with these guys for the past few years and they are a good crew.

Also on Friday FMM was back form his 14 day sabbatical away from work, after doing the normal stuff we had a chance to collect our Expenses, form the office, Most technicians are like magpies if its new or shiny then we must have it, never being one to miss an opportunity to procure anything we can, I think the final total was

2 x Staplers, 1 x Box of Staplers,2 x Screw Drivers, 1 x Sprocket Brush, 1 x Mains extension Lead,1 x Calculator, 3 x Nobo Pens, 2 x High Lighters, 1 x Roll of SelotapeWe properly would have got more but I could not get any more in my pockets and FMM could hardly walk as he had some much in his, we were laughing thinking abut later on that night when they were saying have you seen the Stapler etc

And now the best part of doing all those early mornings, im on Holiday oh yes, and im going to enjoy it big time, however operation grandma kicks into action this week as my mum is coming to see us all the plus side apart form seeing her is that we will have the worlds supply of biscuits to eat until the end of time


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