I seem to have been on a early mornings since time began lately, with FMM off on his holidays, Im steering the good ship, after all I've done it long enough, Monday we got to go the Rochdale, it was a nice surprise when we got there as the place was not as bad as id envisaged at all, to be honest it was nice, so there we were doing our First Aid Training again, having lost count how many times ive done these, well put it this way after 17+ Years ive yet to use my resuscitation skills on anyone, Still it was a day away from work, With these events it important to get up first to practise on the Resuscitation Dolls, So that you dot have to swap body fluids with the other saps on the same course, all in all it was a good day. Tuesday arrives and I have two events on, the managers graduation [read poor souls who have clearly not read the small print as they will be working every close until the end of time], and Cinemec and Sneaky were doing another event, Fortunately all the Regional Managers know me, so when they went to buy cream cakes for the lunch, they brought lots extra, now see Knowing that Cinemec and Sneaky were stuck in No:19 a few MMS messages where sent off to him showing him the very nice cream cakes,trust me there is nothing more aggravating than sat in a boring conference , staving when you get a message showing you a box of cream cakes. Although Cinemec did send me one back with a picture of sneaky fast asleep in the event, we have all done it, but it’s a really bummer when you get a photo taken of you fast asleep.

We also had a 3 of the Wrexham team come across on Wednesday, so they spent most of the day with Cinemec; they sure seemed to enjoy it. At at 03:15 on Thursday morning i had the pleasure of getting up ready for another event, I can say one thing it was bloody freezing, so there we were sat there at 05:00 waiting for the client who strolled in at 06:30, impressed no not really, however i did laugh when saw one of the Conference crew staggering in with 450 Apples and 450 bags of crisp. This was the 5th year id done this event, for the North West Regional Agency, and Out there Events, They also ordered 450 Sandwiches, although only 400 kids turned up so at least we were well feed.

On these events they have some budding entrepreneurs; this year they had a guy who came up with We7 the free music down load site, Ripple effect web designs and some guy who basically brought energy drinks from Japan “YAWN”
The guest speakers was John Amaechi, the 6Ft 9in NBA basket ball star, who was very tall, I saw him walk by Sneaky and you could not see him stood behind John, he was nice guy to talk to.
One of the projects im working on is a short Film Festival, although the very second i said id work on it regretted it, Im sat there in one of our conference e rooms, with our RM and a few other people, and this guy could not get his very expensive and impressive looking Laptop, he said it would not show in the LCD Projector, the normal thing is that there resolution is set to high, the LCD’s will only handle 1024 x 768, I told him is resolution was to high but he was not having it, and said it was our equipment, well id about had enough of carp this week we plugged in our laptop and hey presto it worked, he would not have it, finally after adjusting his resolution all was good. I was pleased when it was time to go home, and guess what ive got all again next week 4 x 06:00 starts.