March Madness
We have all at one time or another had push bikes, and during our times with Push bikes, you will have no doubt had to pump up the tires on it, with the hand pump, whilst parking my bike last week I noticed this bike chained up close to where I park mine I noticed this and it made me chuckle, got to give the person kudos for being so original.
With Spring in the air we had a clear out of film this yesterday, moving 3 out of the building, 1 went it its flight cases, but the other 2 went in reels and on a pallet, when we went to move them the kentruck film mover was struggling to move them there was so much weight, and we managed to break one lift , although trying to put nearly 2 tonnes of film into a passenger lift was looking back properly not the bets laid plan we have had, once we got it to the foyer, it was then a deft charge up the street to the waiting lorry, However we are not supposed to move these films whilst the centre is open in case Jo Public gets hurt by a film falling off the trolleys, as FMM and Myself shot out of the door with a pallet truck loaded to the max, the two security guards stood there did not even see it, Doah.
Last Thursday we had to replace our very expensive imax bulbs costing around £3805.00 each these little beauties are very bring being 15000W, well one of them would no work properly, so we had to remove them, after having done some 28 Lamps changes on this machine we have found lots of short cuts to doing it faster, but that left eye did not want to come out or go back in, During the life span of the bulb particles for the Electrodes fall off , as you can see form the picture the bulbs the tips blown to bits, however I guess id not be too good after having nearly 400 amps ran through me for 850 hours.
There are so many good films coming out this year, one of them Being Wall.E they have given a really cool Standee that has a motion sensor in it and fires off all sorts of weird and wonderful sounds. Can’t say what the film is going to be like but I hope it’s good?
You know the saying a friend in need is a pain, well me personally I never so no, A real close friend contacted me during the week they were having a real hard time I found this quote that sums it all up
Don't take life so seriously. Life is a game. Play to win. If you lose one day, there's always tomorrow. When problems arise, try to figure it out but don't complain. Get out there and work hard, have fun and relax. It always works out in the end.