What do you mean it’s been snowing?
This weather is doing me in, snow in April, where the hell is this weather going, See i knew i should have covered my bike up last night but Oh No it was too nice a night and thought it will be dry tonight and im washing it in the morning, Ha i wish.
Now im going to be defrosting it and warming it up before i can do anything with it.

The Curved Mirror [I know all Projection Mirrors are curved], but the outside lip of these Digital Systems Mirrors curve in to focus the light into the center of the mirror , giving out more light through to the light gun.

Each Chip has its own Water cooling , Not form the heat of the light but to keep it cool from the Micro- Mirrors causing heat, basically each chip has 2000 little Mirrors on it.
A snap of one of the light tubes that move the Xenon lamps light.

Check out my Palm Tree, I planted in a few years back and I really like it.

We have had some issue with our digital system last week so we had a visit from there engineer, whist we had it open I thought id snap a few pictures of it.
