A week that went on and on for ever
One of the busiest weeks so far this year with numerous events going on I spent most of Tuesday in Birmingham at the old ABC site, brought back Memories of ABC Catford all those years ago, great place to work.
Then Wednesday and Thursday I had Microsoft and HSBC in doing big client events
The Microsoft guys were as ever very good, with little to no issues, apart from using nearly 200 meters of Cat5 Cable to ensure they had a good connection. As is with these event I try and procure as much as i can for my ever increasing collection of stuff iv got off this type of events these weeks tally consisted of 2 x Pens, 1 x Bottle opener, 1 x retractable Headphones and Microphone unit, some tech books on Microsoft Products and the Pièce de résistance was a nice 365 day free trail of Microsoft Vista Ultimate, which I was well happy with.
The tech guys had very cleverly made a roll in roll out bench that was used for these event, roll it in , plug it in and away you go, very simple and very effective, it looks plain and boring form one side, but look underneath and you will see many PC. Video Switching units all built into one unit
There were a couple of Microsoft Vendors that I was speaking to one of them had some very nice the first thing I liked was the new Microsoft Wireless Entertainment Desktop 8000 Keyboard, those of you who have Media PC’s will know what a nightmare that mouse is, well this keyboard is a lot slimmer and better, blue tooth connectivity, proximity sensors and and a laser mouse, very neat, although I was some what disappointed that I could not get a free one off him, but it was not for the lack of trying.Check out the picture it’s very sleek and nice

Another person there was a Guy from the robotics labs and he had built his own robot using 8 servos and a custom built motherboard, all this was controlled via an Xbox360 Controller plugged into his Laptop,
the software they use now is impressive as its very much drag and drop
The one ting we did notice was how few Females there, and I mean we are talking maybe 4 out of 500 people, But then again if you chat up line is about hexadecimal code what chance do you stand
The HSBC tech team spent most of the night setting up with a pretty impressive set, although there seemed to be some confusion on what time they were due to leave, and at 16:30 they were basically told stop or we will kill the power, They expected 2 – 2 ½ hours to break down which was not acceptable for us, so we attacked it mob handed and within 55 mins we were all walking out the building a lot more tired than we were in the morning.
We have a Maintenance man here ,although I don’t know how they get that name, his latest piece of craftsmanship is a masterpiece of high class workmanship, im convinced his tool kit comprises of a selection of hammers and a rolls of gaffe tape.
Thank good it’s a long weekend this weekend