Ship ahoy to Light Fantastic
HMS Ark Royal Paid a visit to Liverpool Docks and on Saturday they had an Open day which started off sounding like a good idea however upon getting there we found that at least 10,000 other people thought it was a good idea, and the prospect of a 2 – 3 Hour wait with Kate and Cameron was just not going to happen, Managed to snap off a few Pics, over all i was most unimpressed you would have thought that that they would have had it more organised, The Boat was impressive would have been better if i could have got near the bloody thing.

One of the projects I’ve been meaning to start and finish is the Back lit Dolby Sign, well finally started it and all but finished it this week, just waiting for the local Maplins to get the battery box in.
The first thing i had to do was the flatten the faces that were going sit on the Dolby sign had to be as flat as possible so some wet n Dry 1200 grade paper and a flat block were used to level it out this was then placed on the back of the Sign and Clamped in place with 2 Spring clamps, once i was happy it was Square and some Plastic Cement was used and applied capillary reaction, so that the cement applied a all even coating and this was let to set for s few mins, the setting time was increased by using a UV light to accelerate the curing time.
The units was connected into the Inverter and then into my Adjustable power Supply 6V, 9V and finally 12V to ensure the cathode look ok.

As the picture shows the image looks pretty good
Finally to reflect the light back through the front of the sign a silver backing sheet was used, curved to cover the Cathode tube
So starting off with a clear Lexon Dolby Sign i managed to procure a 12 “ cold cathode strip and Inverter .