A Dark Knight Is Here
What seems to be the most anticipated film of the decade TDK “The Dark Knight “finally showed up last week, and with sterling work from Cinemec the print was assembled in under a day an impressive thing to say the least, some of the Imax tech guys got to watch it on Friday night and by all accounts not only was it stunning but loud as well, the film has a selection of full frame Imax scenes in it, the very opening scene to me is the best.
The more anticipated thing for me was the arrival of our new computer systems; it’s been longer coming than Batman, well on Friday 4 pallet loads of computers, switches, servers and cabling arrived, although no real photos yet as you can see there are plenty of stuff to be going on with.
You know you wake up on a morning and you think what a lovely day, well there i was warming my bike up today , as i was about to jump on it, i noticed something on my rear tyre, at first i thought it was bit of paper or something like that until i got closer and found it to be the biggest bloody Nail I’ve ever seen in a tyre,

Im not sure how deep its gone in, i pulled it out with my fingers so I’m Guessing-Maybe Hoping its gone in sideways into one of rubber sections on the tyre, just what i needed was that today.