Life is moving on

Today was my little girls last day at Primary school, it only seems like yesterday that she started nursery , yet here she is all ready to move onto her next big adventure of Secondary school, Yesterday they had a year 6 end of year play, called “GELL”, which to be honest was good, at the end of the show they had a PowerPoint show of the children with pictures taken during the years since they started, the one of my princess was of this little girl, who look small and such a little one, there was not a dry eye in the hall, it was funny and moving, this year being the first where they will feed into 6 other schools, so some of her friends will be moving on. Im sure there will be tears when the bell goes this afternoon, and so the next chapter starts in her life, And as i sit here Im reflecting on where those years have gone, so much has happened in that time, and Im seeing her grown inot a beautiful young girl, who cares for brothers even through i sometimes think they don’t appreciate it.


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