A Time To Blog
I thought it’s about time i updated the blog with what’s been going on,
Where to begin, well just got back from Watching Wall-E, with Dana, Kate and Cameron, Alas it was not cool enough for Jake to attend.
It was more like a UCI reunion than anything else, with people coming out of the darkness all over the place. As with all Pixar films there is the normal Short on the front, this time it was a short called “Presto” about a magician and his very hungry and naughty rabbit which is as ever with these shorts funny, when you watch it look for the hairs on the rabbit moving the detailing is amazing
One of the best things was it was shown using our 2K digital system, which really does show the films off to there full, the colours on the Odeon Digital Logo are so clear,

Most of the people who read this know that Im, a big Xbox fan, i actually never got the first Xbox, but then when they brought out the Xbox green Crystal i snapped one of those, which was very swiftly replaced with the crystal much to Danas disgust, and then my much loved and much used Xbox360, however i kept my Crystal my youngest son was using it, well a few weeks ago i got an offer to have it chipped.
so that it can play DVD’s as well as emulate many other platforms, well got it back yesterday and i was most happy.Of all the games on the system now has to be Desert Strike Return to the gulf, which brings back so many memories of playing this game years ago on my old Mega Drive , i need to buy a new controller for it, but i cant wait till Thursday when Im off.

We have a tradition in our house, it been with us many years , even before the kids were born and that is to either eat out or have take-Away on a Friday night, one of my great loves in Pizza, if there is one thing i miss about not living in London is that you could get anything delivered to you door ion London, well up here you need to drive, so we headed for one of the better outlet Dominos , they always make great pizza, as you can see from the photo you can never be too careful when transporting your freshly made Pizza home, Clunk-Click Every Trip.
One of the good points of my job is that we get to see films before Joe Public, one of the most anticipated films of the year is The Dark knight, well the hype in the building about this is pretty high so i hope it does not disappointed, there are selected scenes shot using Imax Cameras, so these will be full frame wall to wall image.
New Computers are coming, we are rolling out a new ticketing system called “WinTicket” this is our second attempt at the whole new system. the first one sunk pretty much as fast as the titanic and taking a far amount f investment with out, So Im told this new system is the System of all systems, which can mean either one of two things, 1 its going to be amazing!!!!!, 2 its going to cause me untold headaches, i know which one I'm putting my money on. However there is a good side of this roll out is that we all get new Computers.
Its well known that we play practical jokes on each other at any given opportunity, well we have a new game, our latest one was to take one of the managers Diary's and drill and hole through it and then padlock it close, and it goes without saying we did not give him the combination
I guess he was most surprised when he went to get his diary and found it locked, no doubt this will now start a Managers , Technicians War but could be fun.
