Would you do it?

Don’t know if you got a chance to watch Lifesavers on Channel 5, what an amazing program, the program looked at organ donation and all involved. There was young women whose job it was to ask the relative/parents if they could use the organs, a 17 year old lad, had been involved in a bad car crash and was brain dead, there was not a mark on his body, he carried a donor card and this lady was speaking to the parents. Some days i think my job is hard and harsh but imagine you have to and speak to the parents who have just lost there son, i could not do it, Never, they removed his heart, lungs, kidneys, and liver. What was really nice is that when they had finished removing the organs, they took time to clean him, wash his hair and they even took a cutting from his hair to give to his parents and very moving thought They also showed a heart being removed for a person in Northern Ireland and being brought to Papworth, but they had this device that keeps the heart beating with some of the original blood so to prolong the life of the organ, what a brilliant piece of engineering. This heart went into a gentleman who could not walk more than 10 steps before he had to sit down, two weeks after the transplant and he looked like a new person. I carry a organ donor card, for one simple reason, once your dead the organs are now good to you and if you can prolong someone life for even 1 extra day then its worth it. https://www.uktransplant.org.uk/ukt/Consent.do My view is that we should have to opt out of not being a donor so then there is no shortage of donors, If you do get a chance to see a rerun please watch it.


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