Happy Birthday My Darling
People say miracles happen, well i have living proof back in October 1996 @ 21:45 Kate was born, very premature and gravely ill, she fitted into my hand and weighed under 2 Lbs., this is the very first picture we have of her, after i delivered her [i delivered all my children and am extremely proud of it] she was rushed away to the intensive care unit.
What’s more freaky is this, about 10 days prior to Kate being Born, my Dads, mother passed away, now we had spent the best part of the 3 months at that hospital with Dana being ill, and had seen every nurse in the maturity unit, well the very second Kate was born this lady walked in , she looked the absolute double of my Dads mother , dressed in a real old fashioned nurses outfit, picked up Kate and took her away, Later on when i ask who the nurse was no one had any idea, but Kate ended up in the ITU, and is still here today, im not superstitious really only when its anything to riding my bike, but even now we still don’t know who that lady was, but who ever she was, if it was not for her Kate would not be here.
