Update Overdue

Thought i had better update what’s been going on, so where to start, hows about this imagine coming home to find 2 fire engines sat in outside teh front of you house, putting your car which was ablaze and was your pride and joy , well i came home one afternoon to see a house 3 door up from me have it happen to them

Well first thing first i was trekking around liver pool a few weeks ago and needed a GPS, not having one for my Bike, i used the combination of Car Tom Tom, Plastic bag and Gaffer tape, worked well i thought, might need to so refining but it worked.

Out of Africa,

We were lucky/Unlucky depending on how you look at it to run the Premiere of the Coronation Street “Out Of Africa” event here, 6 screens, much hassle, but a great party afterwards,

Prior to this and to add to my surreal collection of events I’ve done during the past here, now add Interactive golf, or a Laptop, and Digital Projector and a Gold club, It was not bad, but it aint no Tiger Woods on the Xbox360 i will admit.

Then comes Surviours, just about to be shown on TV, this HD, Premiere was very stunning and a big

We did an event a few weeks ago, for school kids, all was going so well until presenters posed the question “Sexual Ethics”, i actually did not believe what i was hearing, but yep among the questions asked was Is it ok to Masturbate?, Sex with Animals, god i love my job, there cant be another job that you going to see that question posed often i can tell you

We also managed to squeeze in a Ryan Giggs DVD Launch which was a TV feed from the red carpet, and then the Actual DVD being screened, all be it via Digi-Beta , looked good, not my thing Football but another gig to put down on the CV.


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