Welcome to the world of Ubuntu
After getting so pissed off with Windows and seeing so much said about Ubuntu i thought id give it a go and i have to admit im pleasantly surprised how good it is,
It’s a free down from http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/download
I originally started off with it as a duel boot system with Xp, which worked well but i really wanted to see it work on its own, doing a clean install was painless, make up your Cd, yep it all fits on a CD and just boot off the CD, your prompted with some option , install was nice and fast.
Once installed i was very pleased to see it had detected and loaded all the drivers a thing im sure we have all suffered with XP, it detected my two ADSL lines and connected to each no problems, I want to use tis machine as a Media Server/Player in our bedroom to go with the 26 LCD i have in there, so thought id give it a try with Video, the system did not have the correct codec but instead of the normal windows one where you need to go and look for the codec this goes and seeks the files you need a very neat trick , although all you Unix/Linux crowd will no doubt tell me thats what’s been happening to you all the time.

Showing the Desktop, you can have multiple desktops running at once, in the lower right hand corner you can change desktops.

The media player section, here showing Music very simple to use.

You can do the normal burning of CD’s and DVD’s via the drag and drop

Like XP you can have folders for you pictures and files

Showing just another desktop, so easy to switch between the desktops, I’ve not got into it fully but im sure that it has some great uses

Good old Firefox on Ubuntu, and its very smooth as well when running, maybe it was me but it did seem to be running a lot easier when used on Ubuntu

Movie viewing is as easy as the rest of the applications.
I would advise anyone with a spare PC laying around give it a try, its well worth it